Friday, March 17, 2017

ISSA Offers Master Trainer Certification Program

As the president of Zagato Business Analysis in Alva, Florida, Greg Sample creates business platforms that help experienced financial advisors achieve selling success at seminars. Florida resident Greg Sample is also a ISSA certified personal trainer.

ISSA is formally called the International Sports Science Association. It was founded in 1988, and offers students several different instructor courses they can take to become a personal trainer, as well as use as continuing education units. The ISSA is utilized in over 90 countries around the world and does not have residency requirements for students. One of the programs ISSA offers is the Master Trainer certification.

The Master Trainer program requires students to successfully complete the personal trainer and fitness nutrition certifications. From there, students must choose four other certifications they believe would help them achieve their career goals. These include group fitness, exercise therapy, youth fitness, senior fitness, or strength and conditioning. Students are given the option to take their certification tests online, or they may go to a local testing center.